Teeth Whitening

This advanced tooth whitening procedure is safe, effective and fast. In about an hour, your teeth will become whiter. Zoom! is ideal for anyone who is looking for immediate results. Teeth whitening is a bleaching process that removes enamel discolorations. These discolorations may take years to develop, and give your teeth a dull appearance.

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Our Professional Take-Home Tooth Whitening System

Not everyone is a candidate for the Zoom! Chairside Teeth Whitening System, and if you fall into that category, then the Zoom! Take Home System may be the product for you. Our professional take home tooth whitening system uses custom fabricated trays. Professional-strength teeth whitening gel against your teeth. This at-home whitening system is superior to over-the-counter teeth whitening products. The results are spectacular.

What is the Zoom! tooth whitening system?

It is a bleaching process that lightens discolored enamel and dentin on the tooth surface.

What causes tooth discoloration?

Other than the normal aging process, there are many other things that can discolor your teeth. Coffee, tea, sodas, tobacco, red wines, can all stain your teeth. Some individuals also experience tooth discoloration in their youth. Exposure to certain antibiotics or excessive fluoride can cause staining during tooth formation.

Who may enjoy teeth whitening systems?

Almost anyone who wishes to have a brighter, whiter smile. Yet, whitening treatment may not be as effective for some people, as it is for others. Our doctors will determine if you are a good fit for the procedure after your examination. If you are they will also discuss a shade assessment of your potential results.

Do many people whiten their teeth?

A bright sparkling smile can make a big difference for anyone. This is the procedure most asked about by patients, and the Zoom! Chairside Tooth Whitening System makes it easier than ever before.

Is whitening your teeth safe?

Yes. Research and clinical studies show that whitening under the supervision of a dentist is safe. In fact, many cosmetic dentists consider tooth whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure. As with any tooth whitening product, Zoom! is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.

How long do my whitening results last?

By following some simple post-whitening care instructions, your teeth will always be whiter. We recommend flossing, brushing twice daily, and occasional touch ups with the Zoom! Weekender or Nite White gel. These are professional products designed to keep your teeth their brightest. They are only available through our office.

How does the Zoom! in office system work?

The Zoom! light-activated whitening gel’s active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide. As the Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin. This action bleaches the discolorations while leaving the structure of the tooth unchanged. The Zoom! light activates the hydrogen peroxide and helps penetrate the surface of the tooth. A study has shown that the use of the Zoom! light increases the effectiveness of the gel by more than 26%. Leaving you with an improvement of up to eight shades.

What does a patient experience during the Zoom! in-office procedure?

During the procedure, patients may watch television or listen to music. Individuals with a strong gag reflex or anxiety may have difficulty for the full time. Please check with Dr. Kwan or Dr. Hsu to see what options are available to you.

How is the exposure to the Zoom! light controlled?

The procedure requires protection for all soft tissue in and around the mouth . The clinician monitors the procedure to insure protection of exposed skin or tissue. Protective eye wear is also required during the procedure.

Light sensitive individuals, including those undergoing PUVA therapy (Psoralen+UV Radiation) or other photo-chemotherapy, or patients with melanoma, should not undergo the Zoom! in-office procedure.

How long does it take to perform the Zoom! Chairside procedure?

The complete procedure takes about an hour. The procedure begins with a preparation period. Then 45 minutes of bleaching. We recommend a professional cleaning before the actual Zoom! Tooth Whitening session.

Are there any side effects?

Sensitivity may occur with some patients. The Zoom! light generates minimal heat, which is the usual source of discomfort. On rare occasions, patients feel minor tingling sensations after the procedure. These are go away shortly after the treatment.

Contact us today for a tooth whitening consultation with Dr. Kwan or Dr. Hsu. They will answer any extra questions you may have on our unique tooth whitening system.